What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a kind of non-infectious, inflammatory disease by appearing of erythematous plaques with adherent silvery scales. Basically in this disease proliferation of the skin layers get an increase due to the excessive division of cell s which travels from the basal layer of the skin surface. After that skin cannot shed these cells quickly and it starts leading to thick/dry patches and dead skin build up on the Skin surface. The skin layers nerves and blood become red and swollen very soon.

Generally, it develops at the ages of 15 to 35; hence it can develop at any age. However, it's lesions aren't infectious and are not a contagious disease, so people can't catch from each other. According to the research, males & females are developing this disease at equal rates. Usually, people don't know their immune system that plays vital roles in its development. Patient's skin cells grow at very fast rate, which causes this disease. Here are the details of this inflammatory disease called psoriasis.

Causes of Psoriasis:

In a case study, it has found that psoriasis is non-infectious and it is related to our immune system problem. it starts imbalanced of T-cells & white blood cells. In our body, T-cells help to defend against the bacteria but in psoriasis, these T-cells start attacking our healthy skin cells mistakenly.

Our T-cells are the trigger which increases healthy skin cells and white blood cells in the body. In this disease, our cells travel into the skin and cause redness and pustule lesions. Continuously, new skin cells move to the outermost layer of skin and build up in thick, scaly patches on the surface of our skin.

However, most of the researcher believes that genetics and environment both factors play the main role in Psoriasis appearance. Before we discuss the symptoms of the Psoriasis, let's see the risk factors to get more details on its causes. These following factors can increase your risk of its development.

● Family factors- Family history is the main risk factors, if both parents are suffering then there would double the risk of it.

● Stress level– A high-stress levels may increase your risk of psoriasis.

● Bacterial infections– HIV Patients are more likely to develop it. Meanwhile, Adults & child with recurring infections increases the high risk of this disease.

● Smoking & drinking– These habits play a vital role in developing this disease.

● Obesity– Body weight and risk of psoriasis increase together.

Psoriasis Symptoms:

Psoriasis symptoms can be different for every patient but the common signs can be seen as follows:

Cracked & dry skin.

Swollen and stiff joints.

Itchy plaques.

Itching and sometimes soreness.

Thickened, pitted or ridged nails.

Red patches on the skin surface that is covered by silvery scales.

Small scaling spots etc.

Meanwhile, it is also mandatory to know about the type of krema za psorijazu . It can help anyone to recognize and determine the best treatment for psoriasis. Generally, there are five types of this disease and these are very common in every country.

  1. Pustular psoriasis
  2. Erythrodermic
  3. Plaque
  4. Guttate
  5. Inverse

However, there is a need for more research and prospective studies to delineate the real cause of psoriasis. Hence, prevention of this disease has been studied by Ayurveda. Therefore, the prerequisite is identified in a consistent way and Ayurveda has proven that patients can get back their normal skin very soon. If you are looking for the best psoriasis treatment in Delhi, get in touch with Kayakalp Global team for causative treatment at a reasonable price.