The Golf Swing For Seniors – Tips On How Seniors Can Easily Increase Their Golf Swing Speed

Preserving power in a golf swing, and in particular for seniors, is something that just about all players have a problem with as time moves on. The good news is together with the right techniques, seniors are able to not only save their swing speed, they quite possibly might raise it.

Initially, the ability to remain flexible can absolutely play an important role and is extremely important for swing momentum as we get up there in years. Seniors should complete some type of consistent stretching to not only support range of mobility but even to expand it. The more flexible you can be the larger range of motion you get and that can easily increase speed.

Muscle training sessions are a must to preserve over all strength. Let's be honest, we are definitely not as strong as we get up there in age as we used to be back when we were younger. Prioritize area's like core, legs and upper body. Friction training sessions along with bands or even body weight activities can really help you build strength which leads to more power. As we age, the fibers in our muscles just aren't as strong or react as fast as they used to so it's important to keep them firing as best they can in order to get the most out of them for as long as we can.

However the most important one in the golf swing for seniors is the swing mechanics. What practically all players, regardless of age do not realize is they release the Golf bags that fit your style club wrong. Acceleration in the golf swing is not created from spinning of the body. Obviously, it feels strong and depending on overall flexibility along with age you can absolutely gain power from it. Still, it is simply not the most reliable manner to generate power and as you get older, it begins to show in the loss of distance. The legitimate power of the golf swing for seniors or any other player for that matter, comes from the proper release of the wrists. While most instructors may talk about the release of the body or the arms, the true speed in the swing comes from the release of the wrists.

Think about moving a ball on a chain and how little effort you really need to move it around with serious speed. Now try to get it to move just as fast by moving your hands, arms or body all around and see what happens. It doesn't work and the speed almost immediately goes down. Why? Because it's not the most efficient way to move an object with any kind of speed. Think of another example in snapping a towel. If you move the towel in one direction and then quickly flick the wrists back, it makes a loud popping noise. If that towel hits you at the right moment, it's going to hurt and it may even cut you wide open. Now try that same movement taking your wrists out of it and just using the rotation of your hips, upper chest or even just your shoulders. Not the same effect is it? There's a reason why and that's because true power and speed come from your wrists.

If you evaluate the GOATS (greatest players of all time), you are going to see a lot of different forms of swings. There's so many different variations of swings from players that have won major championships, you'd wonder if there's any real "correct" way to even swing a golf club. However, what you'll see with all of them is the way they launch the club at impact. This is where your genuine spped comes from and it is undoubtedly just one reason seniors can see an increase in distance right away. When you're young, you can rotate your body quick enough to pick up a little bit of whip, but as you start to get older, you're not equipped to continue to do it. Thankfully the fundamentally correct release of the wrist is something you do have the ability to do at any time in your playing days. You'd be amazed just at how much speed you can pick up with such a tiny adjustment in how your wrists work at impact.

Go back to a moment that you might have struck a ball and it erupted off of the clubface. You really did not sense anything massively different, nevertheless it took off and went a whole lot farther than you thought. You then tried to chase after that shot but never were able to duplicate it with any sort of consistency. So exactly why did it happen? It happened because you released your hands in the right way and at the ideal time. If there is any "key" to distance abd power with the golf swing, particularly within the golf swing for seniors, doing this is it!

Find out how to release the club in the right way and you may well find yourself genuinely striking it better in your older years than you used to at the time when you were younger. You definitely would not be the 1st to experience it!