How to Find Free Online Computer Training Resources For Microsoft Software

There are lots of sites out there offering paid 常滑市 パソコン教室 , whether in the form of classroom-based courses or paid online tutorials. Where can you go to for FREE training? This article considers three ideas.

Firstly, you'll want to learn; then, you'll want to practise what you've learnt; and then, you'll want to test yourself to see how well you're doing.

Learning Online

One way to do this is using the blog at Wise Owl training (the URL is listed in the signature of this article). This blog is building up gradually to offer a free resource to anyone grappling with how to use Microsoft computer software. The blog is particularly good on learning Excel Visual Basic.

Practising what you've learnt

On the same site, you can do free exercises on Excel, SQL, Project, Access, PowerPoint, Word, Visual Basic, Visual C#. ASP.NET, Reporting Services, Analysis Services and just about every other Microsoft software application. If you go to the Wise Owl site there's a link at the top of every page saying EXERCISES: just click on this to go straight to the computer training exercises. They're divided up into categories, so it's easy to find the one you want. Unfortunately, Wise Owl don't publish the answers online, however – for that you need to attend a course.

Seeing how well you've done

For this you need to go to a different site, called the Skills Assessment site (again, I've put the URL in the signature at the bottom of this page). This unique site allows you to take a free test online in the subject of your choice.

For example, suppose that you've just learnt Excel online, and you want to see how well you know your subject. You can choose to take a test in Excel 2003 or Excel 2007/2010, and you'll be asked 20 questions drawn randomly. At the end of the test you can see how well you did relative to everyone else who took the test, and even see which answers you got wrong and what the correct answers should have been.

The test are available in Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, Project and SQL, and you can even write your own tests in the subject of your choice should the mood take you!

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