Offering Move In-Out Cleaning Services? Here Are Some Few Pointers

At some point, there are people and businesses that need to be relocated. In this case, they may want their new location to be cleaned before they move in. Similarly, when an establishment owner wants his old location to be cleaned and picked up after they moved out. Usually, establishments like apartments, houses and buildings are some of the location that usually seek for cleaning services which called as move out / move in cleaning service. Therefore, if you have a cleaning company that offers different cleaning service, it is your chance to make more profits.How to Write a Cleaning Service Marketing Plan

Basically, a move out / move in cleaning service is needed when a certain tenant move out from another location to another. This is where a cleaning company will pick up the mess of a new or old building. Cleaning service of move in/out vary depends on the size of the location. If you are newbie in offering this kind of cleaning service, you may want to start in small jobs. Usually, job sizes range in floor size of the establishment. For small sized job, start offering move out/in cleaning service to apartments and houses.

If you are ready to provide move in/out cleaning services, you better start contacting property management companies. Being located in cleaning services tyne & wear or collage town is beneficial for you as there will be no problem of work shortage. If your company has been cleaning commercial buildings before, there will be no doubt that many clients will seek for your services if they are in need of move out/in cleaning services.

For a good start, it is better to cooperate with on-site proper manager so that you will be able to estimate the time you need to spend in cleaning the entire building. After you and the onsite property manager have built a good rapport, instead of providing estimated charge for cleaning service, you will just let your cleaning time billed. Your clients will mostly likely need specialized cleaning services like carpet cleaning, tile scrubbing and floor polishing. This is where you can charge them separately therefore you can have extra profits.

The prices of the cleaning service of move out/in that you can offer to your clients may vary depends on the type of the facility you are going to clean. The most ideal fee for cleaning service is $20 – $25. Mostly, apartments and houses are less profitable since owners need to adhere in the limited budget for cleaning service. They usually prefer their cleaning service charge to be flat rate. This is where you need to be careful while bidding as you may realize that you’re losing profits because you have been overlooked the timeline.