You should be prepared with a variety of strategies when it comes to negotiations. You can avoid certain tactics by knowing what the other party is likely to use. There are a number of main negotiation strategies that can be useful for both sellers and buyers. Some of them involve making an offer with a low price or arousing urgency, and setting deadlines. In addition to these tactics, some business negotiators employ strategies such as bluffing or putting off an issue until the conclusion of the conversation.
Negotiating for the wrong thing is common. You might, for example you might ask for a higher salary when you really require more time to finish projects or more flexibility in your schedule. It’s crucial to articulate your needs clearly prior to initiating a negotiation.
Some companies begin a negotiation by presenting a low-ball offer. This tactic is particularly useful for salespeople who want to see what their rivals will do. However, you should never use this tactic as it could backfire. Your low offer could be interpreted by the opposing party as a bluff and they might counter with a lower offer.
Another effective tactic to negotiate is using an emotional appeal. This tactic can be employed to establish rapport and persuade your opponent that your proposition is beneficial. If you’re trying convince a client to sign up to the new service, for instance, you could state that they will save money or increase their sales. You could also make an appeal that is emotional by writing an individual letter to the other person.